Semi Automated Bio-Chemistry Analyzer Labomed BAS-100TS

Semi Automated Bio-Chemistry Analyzer Labomed BAS-100TS
BDT 0.00
Price Type
Product Type
New Product
Short Intro
BAS-100TS uses both a suction pump system and a cuvette system for analytical testing.
* Price may vary as the seller doesn't update price regularly. # Stock or availibity is not confirmed and need to check.

To buy or query, please call seller:

Name : biotech international
Call : 2342335345354


  • BAS-100TS uses both a suction pump system and a cuvette system for analytical testing.
  • Photometric scanning of Spectrum, Analysis in multiple longitude of wave and kinetics, endpoint, fixed time, kinetic. Blank of water or blank of reagent method can be linear or nonlinear, according to the type of reagent you are using.
  • Diagnosis of Operation:
  • Automatic Calibration
  • System of aspiration of sample (Pale of flow, Aspiration System, Faslk of Residuals, Tubes, Connectors, Etc)
  • Power Cable Included
  • Works with WindowsCE operating system. Single chip machine, does not require Windows XP or Windows 7.
  • Enzyme Kinetic GPT GOT tests.



times in detail, since 2023-11-13 11:46:39.

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