Mindray DP 36 Power Digital Ultrasonic Imaging System

Mindray DP 36 Power Digital Ultrasonic Imaging System
BDT 0.00
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New Product
Short Intro
Mindray DP 36 Power Digital Ultrasonic Imaging System
* Price may vary as the seller doesn't update price regularly. # Stock or availibity is not confirmed and need to check.

To buy or query, please call seller:

Name : biotech international
Call : 2342335345354



🔸Model: DP-36 Power
🔸Brand: Mindray, China
🔸Screen size: 12.1 inch
🈷Detail in short:
  • Frequency: 50Hz
  • Application: #Clinical#Hospital
  • Operation Mode: Portable
  • 12.1 inch LED with full screen configuration
  • 30 degree tilting angle adjustable display
  • 2 standard transducer connectors
  • Friendly Backlight control panel
  • Light and light weight model for maximum portability



times in detail, since 2023-11-15 04:40:40.

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