⚫ Eight channel photometers for the sequential and simultaneous for the reading of microplates.
⚫ Providing the best level of sensitivity for variable assay conditions, with powerful software are able to perform reading and
⚫ Data procession with relative memorization.
⚫ Ability to read flat, U and V bottom.
⚫ Auto calibration before each reading.
⚫ Programmable variable speed shaking.
⚫ Measurement range: 0.000-3.500A
⚫ Light Source: Halogen
⚫ EMR-500 can work by itself, and can connect to the computer. Can use with Windows XP and Windows 7
Technical Specifications:
Please note: Reagents required should be purchased when you place your order, and must be purchased separately. Please contact us to discuss your reagent needs. |
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