Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer FACA-200

Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer FACA-200
BDT 0.00
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Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer FACA-200
* Price may vary as the seller doesn't update price regularly. # Stock or availibity is not confirmed and need to check.

To buy or query, please call seller:

Name : biotech international
Call : 2342335345354



Each set of FACA will come with one video to train in the installation, operation, and maintenance of the biochemistry analyzer.

◾System Functions:

Type: Fully Automated, Random Access Biochemistry Analyzer.
Throughput: 200 tests, up to 320 tests/hr with ISE (optional).
Test Mode:  End point, Kinetics, Fixed Time, lmmunoturbidimetry, Monochromatic, Bi-chromatic and Multi-Standard Analysis, Linearity and Nonlinearity Calibration, Single and Dual Reagents  can be used.
Test Setting: Programmable for single-parameter, multi-parameter, combined parameter, batch test.
Parameter Setting: Completely open for editing test 3ertyuio

1 parameters and calculation parameters.

Sample System:
Sample Tray:  44 sample positions for primary tubes, test tubes and various sample cups, Whole sample tray is removable and replaceable. Any position can be aligned as the emergency test position.
Sample Volume: 3 µL – 30 µL, programmed by 0.1 µL step.
Sample Handling: Dilute and  retest automatically when the sample’ s concentration is beyond limitation.
Sample Probe: Liquid level detection and collision protection.
Probe cleaning:  Automatic washing for both inside and outside, carry over <0.1%.
Syringe: High performance syringe, durable  and  maintenance free.
Optional item: Barcode reader.

Reagent System:
Reagent Tray: 44 positions for Single and Dual reagents, reagent positions can be aligned freely.
Refrigeration:  Refrigerated reagent compartment, 24 hours non-stop cooling with Peltier element to maintain temperature 4-15 ℃.
Reagent Bottle Volume: 45ml and 15ml, Slope bottom design.
Reagent volume:  150 µL – 300 µL, prograrnmed by 0.1µ1 step.
Reagent Probe: Automatically detecting the liquid level; collision protection.
Reagent pre-heating function, inventory checking.
Real time monitoring of reagent residual volume and auto alarm.
Probe Cleaning:  Washing  for  both  inside and outside, carry over <0. 1%.

Reaction System:
Reaction Tray: 44 reaction cuvettes with 6mm optical path, good UV penetrability, low consumable, low cost.
Reaction Technology: Back – Dividing – Light – Technology.
Reaction Volume: 250 µL – 300 µL.
Temperature: 37℃, with +0.1℃ fluctuation.
Mixing System: Independent mixer.
Cleaning: Supports automatic cleaning of cuvettes and allows for complete drainage to reduce carry over.
Water consumption: 3L/hour.
Liquid Detection: Detergent, distilled water, waste liquid automatic detection and alarm

Operating System:
Computer:  Windows 2000 System or above.
Data Management:  Large capacity for results and reaction curves to be displayed, saved and printed.
Report: Edit and print complete reports, format editable, supports network printing.
Port:  RS-232.


FACA200 will have 10 filters 340,405,450,492,505,546,578,620,670,700nm



times in detail, since 2023-11-13 11:18:52.

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