Full Automated Analyzer FACA 480

Full Automated Analyzer FACA 480
BDT 0.00
Price Type
BioElab 480
Product Type
New Product
Short Intro
External & internal mirror polish, external & internal probe washing Dedicated sampling probe equipped with sensitive liquid sensor
* Price may vary as the seller doesn't update price regularly. # Stock or availibity is not confirmed and need to check.

To buy or query, please call seller:

Name : biotech international
Call : 2342335345354


External & internal mirror polish, external & internal probe washing Dedicated sampling probe equipped with sensitive liquid sensor, timely feedback of reagent & sample residuals Collision protection, automatic probe depth adjustingTeflon coating mixer. No water dropping(reducing carry-over) Excellent mixing effect with standard mixing prosedure90 reagetn positions Non-stop cooling system with peltier pad inside, 24 hours 2℃-14℃ Bar code reader(optional)90 reaction cuvettes Reaction volume as low as 150μl Stable & accurate temperature (37±0.1℃)for reaction2*6 steps automatic washing Efficient cleaning to ensure accurate results and reliable diagnnosis.



times in detail, since 2023-11-15 04:26:59.

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