Why do Earthquakes Happen? What to do if there is an Earthquake?

The recent earthquakes in Syria and Turkey have us rethinking earthquakes. It is very difficult to deal with a terrible and sudden disaster like an earthquake. Many of us have no idea why earthquakes happen or what to do if they do. Although our country is not prone to earthquakes, earthquakes have been felt several times in recent years. So we should be more careful about this.

In today's post, we will learn some common concepts about earthquakes and why earthquakes happen. I will also discuss what we should do in case of an earthquake. It is important for everyone to have a proper understanding of earthquakes. If you have a clear understanding of this natural disaster, you can deal with the damage.

Why do earthquakes happen?

An earthquake is the shaking of the ground. To understand why earthquakes happen, we also need to have some understanding of the structure of the Earth's surface. The interior is filled with numerous rocks. Earthquakes are basically triggered when one rock collides with another rock or rises up. However, one of the three types of causes of earthquakes is sudden changes in the earth's surface, volcanic eruptions, and landslides.

The upper part of the earth is basically made up of several rigid plates. These plates are called tectonic plates. Gradually these tectonic plates have separated from each other due for various reasons. These tectonic plates stick side by side. They also shift slowly. There are conflicts between them due for various reasons. The energy generated by these collisions spreads to the earth's surface in the form of seismic waves. If this wave is strong, it also rises above the earth's surface. Then, if there is enough energy, it can cause tremors in the ground. These vibrations are called earthquakes.

What to do in case of an Earthquake?

There is not much time when there is an earthquake. Disaster can happen in seconds. Therefore, various steps should be taken before an earthquake occurs. Earthquake-proof construction of your home will keep you safe to a large extent.

During an earthquake, you need to think calmly and take action. If outside, one should not go inside a house or building and stay in an empty space. If you are on the ground floor of the building, you should try to get out. However, if you are on top of a multi-story building, you will not get time to come out. In that case, shelter should be taken under the table or bed inside the building. While taking shelter in multi-storied buildings, many people should take shelter in one place instead of taking shelter.

Avoid using elevators during earthquakes. Do not jump down from windows or balconies in panic from upper floors. Because even if the building doesn't collapse, you could be seriously injured or killed. A large earthquake was followed by several aftershocks. These are called “aftershocks”. So even after the earthquake is over, all kinds of precautions must be taken. Evacuate the affected building in an orderly fashion. If possible, rescue should be done.