" Immunology Test list & their Normal Ranges-2". This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional. Should there be any mistakes, we humbly seek forgiveness in advance.
Here are short descriptions of the Immunology tests:
76. ENA Profile
- Description: Used to detect autoantibodies associated with connective tissue diseases (e.g., lupus, scleroderma).
- Reference Values: Negative or within lab-specific standard limits.
77. Estradiol/Oestrogen (E2)
- Description: Measures estradiol levels, important for reproductive health and endocrine function.
- Reference Values:
- Men: 10–40 pg/mL
- Women (Follicular phase): 20–144 pg/mL
- Women (Luteal phase): 50–260 pg/mL
78. Ferritin
- Description: Reflects iron stores in the body; essential for diagnosing anemia or iron overload.
- Reference Values:
- Men: 24–336 ng/mL
- Women: 11–307 ng/mL
79. Fluid for Anti TB IgA
- Description: Helps diagnose active tuberculosis (TB) infection by detecting IgA antibodies.
- Reference Values: Negative or absent in a healthy individual.
80. Folic Acid (Folate)
- Description: Measures folic acid levels, vital for DNA synthesis and red blood cell production.
- Reference Values: 2.7–17.0 ng/mL
81. Free Beta hCG
- Description: Part of the pregnancy screening; measures the free beta-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin.
- Reference Values: Depends on gestational age (ranges widely during pregnancy).
82. Free PSA
- Description: Measures free prostate-specific antigen, useful for prostate cancer screening.
- Reference Values: Ratio of Free/Total PSA >25% indicates a lower risk of prostate cancer.
83. Free Testosterone
- Description: Measures free testosterone, important for assessing reproductive and endocrine health.
- Reference Values:
- Men: 46–224 pg/mL
- Women: 0.5–8.5 pg/mL
84. FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
- Description: Measures FSH levels, which play a role in reproductive health and development.
- Reference Values:
- Men: 1.5–12.4 mIU/mL
- Women: Varies by menstrual phase (3.5–12.5 mIU/mL in follicular phase)
85. FT3 (Free Triiodothyronine)
- Description: Measures free T3, an active thyroid hormone regulating metabolism.
- Reference Values: 2.3–4.1 pg/mL
86. FT4 (Free Thyroxine)
- Description: Measures free T4, which is essential in diagnosing thyroid disorders.
- Reference Values: 0.8–1.8 ng/dL
87. Growth Hormone
- Description: Assesses growth hormone, important for growth and metabolic regulation.
- Reference Values: 0.4–10 ng/mL (varies by age and gender).
88. Growth Hormone Basal
- Description: Baseline test for growth hormone levels.
- Reference Values: Same as above, with further adjustments depending on age.
89. H. Pylori Antibody
- Description: Used to detect antibodies against Helicobacter pylori, which can cause ulcers.
- Reference Values: Negative in a healthy individual.
90. HBe Ag (Hepatitis B e Antigen)
- Description: Detects Hepatitis B infection, particularly the infectivity and active replication phase.
- Reference Values: Negative in a healthy individual.
91. HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen)
- Description: Screen for Hepatitis B infection.
- Reference Values: Negative in a healthy individual.
92-97. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) I & II IgG / IgM
- Description: Used to diagnose herpes simplex virus infection types I and II by detecting IgG and IgM antibodies.
- Reference Values: Negative (no infection) or within lab-specific standards for IgG/IgM antibodies.
98. HIV Ab 1/2 (ELISA)
- Description: Screen for HIV antibodies to diagnose HIV infection.
- Reference Values: Negative in a healthy individual.
99. Homocysteine
- Description: Elevated levels are associated with cardiovascular risk.
- Reference Values: 5–15 µmol/L
100. IL-10 (Interleukin-10)
- Description: Anti-inflammatory cytokine used to study immune response.
- Reference Values: <9.1 pg/mL (varies by lab).
101. Insulin (Fasting)
- Description: Measures insulin levels after fasting, indicating glucose metabolism and diabetes risk.
- Reference Values: 2–20 µIU/mL
102. Insulin (Random)
- Description: Insulin levels measured at any time to assess pancreatic function.
- Reference Values: Varies, typically <25 µIU/mL
103. Kappa Free Light Chain
- Description: Assesses free light chains, significant in diagnosing multiple myeloma and other disorders.
- Reference Values: 3.3–19.4 mg/L
104. Kappa/Lambda Free Light Chain (FLC) Ratio
- Description: Measures the ratio of free kappa to lambda light chains in the blood. It helps in diagnosing multiple myeloma, amyloidosis, and other plasma cell disorders.
- Reference Value: 0.26–1.65 (values may vary slightly by laboratory).
105. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
- Description: LH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that plays a crucial role in reproductive health, stimulating ovulation in women and testosterone production in men.
- Reference Value: 1.5–9.3 IU/L for males; 1.9–12.5 IU/L for females (follicular phase).
106. LH/FSH Ratio
- Description: The LH/FSH ratio is used to evaluate reproductive health, often to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
- Reference Value: Typically around 1:1 in premenopausal women.
107. Lupus (SLE) Panel
- Description: A panel of tests to detect antibodies associated with lupus, including ANA, anti-dsDNA, anti-Smith, and others.
- Reference Value: Negative for autoimmune markers; specific ranges vary by test component.
108. NT-proBNP (N-terminal pro b-type Natriuretic Peptide)
- Description: Measures the level of NT-proBNP in the blood, used to assess heart function. Elevated levels indicate heart failure.
- Reference Value: <125 pg/mL for adults <75 years; <450 pg/mL for adults ≥75 years.
109. P-ANCA (Perinuclear Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies)
- Description: Detects P-ANCA, often associated with vasculitis, such as microscopic polyangiitis.
- Reference Value: Negative.
110. PAPP-A (Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A)
- Description: A marker for assessing the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus during pregnancy.
- Reference Value: Varies with gestational age.
111. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
- Description: Measures parathyroid hormone levels, which help regulate calcium levels in the blood.
- Reference Value: 10–65 pg/mL.
112. Plasma Protein Immuno-Electrophoresis
- Description: A test that separates plasma proteins to detect abnormal proteins, useful in diagnosing multiple myeloma.
- Reference Value: Specific reference ranges depend on individual protein bands.
113. Plasma Renin/Aldosterone Ratio
- Description: Assesses the renin-to-aldosterone ratio, useful for diagnosing primary aldosteronism.
- Reference Value: <20 when both renin and aldosterone are measured in ng/dL.
114. Plasma Renin Level
- Description: Measures renin levels, which help regulate blood pressure and electrolyte balance.
- Reference Value: 0.2–3.3 ng/mL/hour (upright position).
115. PLGF (Placental Growth Factor)
- Description: Used in assessing placental function, especially in pre-eclampsia screening.
- Reference Value: Varies by gestational age.
116. Procalcitonin (PCT)
- Description: Used as a marker for bacterial infection and sepsis.
- Reference Value: <0.1 ng/mL (normal); elevated in bacterial infections.
117. Progesterone
- Description: A hormone involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
- Reference Value: 1–28 ng/mL, varying by menstrual cycle phase.
118. Prolactin
- Description: Regulates milk production and has other reproductive roles.
- Reference Value: 4.8–23.3 ng/mL for females; 4.0–15.2 ng/mL for males.
119. PSA Total, Free, and Ratio
- Description: Measures total and free PSA in blood to assess prostate health.
- Reference Value: Total PSA <4 ng/mL; free PSA ratio used for prostate cancer risk assessment.
120. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) – Research Level
- Description: Detailed assessment of PTH for advanced research studies.
- Reference Value: Varies; typically comparable to standard PTH levels.
121. QuantiFERON-TB Gold
- Description: A blood test used to diagnose tuberculosis infection.
- Reference Value: Negative.
122. Serum IgA Level
- Description: Assesses immune health by measuring immunoglobulin A.
- Reference Value: 60–400 mg/dL.
123. Serum IgG Level
- Description: Indicates immune health and response to infections or immunization.
- Reference Value: 700–1600 mg/dL.
124. Serum IgM Level
- Description: Measures immunoglobulin M levels to assess immune health.
- Reference Value: 40–230 mg/dL.
125. Serum Vitamin B-12
- Description: Assesses vitamin B-12 levels, crucial for nerve and blood cell health.
- Reference Value: 200–900 pg/mL.
126. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
- Description: Measures SHBG, a protein that binds to sex hormones.
- Reference Value: 10–57 nmol/L for men; 18–114 nmol/L for women.
127. Short Synacthen Test
- Description: Assesses adrenal gland function by measuring cortisol response.
- Reference Value: Cortisol >500 nmol/L post-test.
128. Triiodothyronine (T3)
- Description: Measures T3, an active thyroid hormone, for thyroid health assessment.
- Reference Value: 80–200 ng/dL.
129. T3, T4, TSH
- Description: A panel of thyroid hormones to assess thyroid function.
- Reference Value: T3: 80–200 ng/dL; T4: 5–12 μg/dL; TSH: 0.4–4.0 mIU/L.
130. Thyroxine (T4)
- Description: Measures T4 hormone for thyroid health assessment.
- Reference Value: 5–12 μg/dL.
131. Testosterone
- Description: Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, playing a vital role in reproductive development, muscle and bone mass, and mood regulation. It is also present in women in smaller amounts.
- Reference Values:
- Male: 300–1,000 ng/dL
- Female: 15–70 ng/dL
132. Thyroglobulin (TG)
- Description: Thyroglobulin is a protein produced by the thyroid gland, used as a tumor marker in thyroid cancer patients. Elevated levels may indicate thyroid disease or cancer recurrence.
- Reference Values:
- Normal range: 0–30 ng/mL
133. Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG)
- Description: tTG antibodies are used primarily to diagnose celiac disease, an autoimmune condition triggered by gluten. Elevated tTG levels suggest gluten intolerance and intestinal damage.
- Reference Values:
- Negative: <20 U/mL
- Positive: >20 U/mL
134. TORCH Panel
- Description: The TORCH panel screens for infections that may cause birth defects or developmental issues in newborns. TORCH stands for Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex, and other infections.
- Reference Values: Vary by infection; negative results generally indicate no recent infection.
135. Total IgE
- Description: Total IgE measures immunoglobulin E levels in the blood to assess allergic responses and certain immunodeficiency disorders.
- Reference Values:
- Adult: <150 IU/mL (may vary by age)
136. Total PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen)
- Description: PSA is produced by the prostate and elevated levels may indicate prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, or prostate inflammation.
- Reference Values:
- <4.0 ng/mL for men (higher levels may require further investigation)
137. Toxoplasma IgG
- Description: Detects antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite. Positive IgG indicates past exposure or immunity.
- Reference Values:
- Negative: <1 IU/mL
- Positive: >1 IU/mL
138. Toxoplasma IgM
- Description: Detects acute infection by Toxoplasma gondii. Positive IgM indicates recent infection.
- Reference Values:
- Negative: <0.5 AU/mL
- Positive: >0.5 AU/mL
139. Troponin-I
- Description: Troponin-I is a cardiac biomarker used to assess heart damage, especially in suspected heart attacks. Elevated levels indicate cardiac muscle injury.
- Reference Values:
- Normal: <0.04 ng/mL
- Elevated: >0.04 ng/mL (suggests myocardial infarction)
140. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
- Description: TSH regulates thyroid hormone production. Abnormal levels suggest thyroid dysfunction, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
- Reference Values:
- 0.4–4.0 mIU/L (varies with age and lab)
141. TSH Receptor Antibody (TRAb)
- Description: TRAb tests are primarily used to diagnose Graves’ disease, an autoimmune thyroid disorder causing hyperthyroidism.
- Reference Values:
- Negative: <1.75 IU/L
142. tTG (Tissue Transglutaminase) IgA
- Description: Similar to tTG for celiac disease, this IgA-specific test is typically used in cases where IgA deficiency is not suspected.
- Reference Values:
- Negative: <20 U/mL
143. Urinary Cortisol
- Description: Urinary cortisol levels assess adrenal gland function and help diagnose conditions like Cushing’s syndrome and Addison’s disease.
- Reference Values:
- Adult: 3.5–45 mcg/24 hours
144. Vitamin A
- Description: Essential for vision, immune function, and cellular communication, Vitamin A levels help diagnose deficiencies.
- Reference Values:
- 0.3–0.7 mcg/mL
145. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
- Description: Thiamin supports energy metabolism and nerve function. Low levels can lead to beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
- Reference Values:
- 2.0–7.2 mcg/dL
146. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
- Description: Riboflavin is crucial for energy production and cellular function. Deficiency can lead to ariboflavinosis, causing sore throat and other symptoms.
- Reference Values:
- 5–50 mcg/L
147. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
- Description: Pyridoxine is essential for metabolism and brain health. Deficiency can result in anemia and neurological symptoms.
- Reference Values:
- 5–50 ng/mL
148. Vitamin C
- Description: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant supporting immune function and collagen synthesis. Low levels lead to scurvy.
- Reference Values:
- 0.4–2.0 mg/dL
149. Vitamin E
- Description: Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage. Deficiency may cause nerve and muscle damage.
- Reference Values:
- 5.5–17 mg/L
150. Vitamin K
- Description: Essential for blood clotting, Vitamin K is necessary for the synthesis of clotting factors. Deficiency can cause excessive bleeding.
- Reference Values:
- 0.2–3.2 ng/mL
by @Saleh